Puppies, Female Matthew Matlack Puppies, Female Matthew Matlack


This is ATHENA, one of LAYLA’S pups! She was born with a black coat! Now has a very light undercoat and turning chocolate. These adorable puppies were borne on the 14th of July 2024 and will be available for adoption after 8 weeks. We are taking applications now for these little bundles of joy. If you're interested in giving one of Layla's pups a loving home, please fill out an adoption form. ADOPT

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Adult, Female Matthew Matlack Adult, Female Matthew Matlack


BELLA is a sweetie that just loves attention. She's a bit of a "jumper" and calms down immediately with a head scratch. She'll need a focused human for some training and would be a wonderful family addition. ADOPT

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Adult, Female Matthew Matlack Adult, Female Matthew Matlack


BLONDIE was rescued from the attic of a hurricane damaged house by some kind neighbors. Unable to take her in, they asked the shelter to take her. She is a frisky, happy girl looking for a home of her own. ADOPT

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Adult, Female Matthew Matlack Adult, Female Matthew Matlack


CELINE was rescued off the side of the road by a concerned citizen, along with her puppies. As of July 2024, Celine is approximately 2 years old and has been spayed. She is a very, very sweet Potcake who loves humans and enjoys sunbathing on top of her dog house! Celine is eager to find her forever home. To learn more about her or to schedule a visit, reach out to Abaco Shelter today. Ready to adopt? Begin the application process by clicking here. ADOPT

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Adult, Female Matthew Matlack Adult, Female Matthew Matlack


DAISY was brought in to the shelter along with her newborn litter of puppies. Since then Daisy has been spayed, she has put on weight and is the happy dog she's meant to be. She’s very fluffy and looking for a home of her own. She is both people and dog (preferably male) friendly. ADOPT

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Adult, Female Matthew Matlack Adult, Female Matthew Matlack


GIRLIE is an older girl and Dorian survivor. She was rescued when she got a bone caught in her mouth and owners abandoned her. She is very calm and gets along with other dogs and cats. ADOPT

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Adult, Female Matthew Matlack Adult, Female Matthew Matlack


LAYLA was rescued and brought to the shelter while pregnant. Malnourished at first, she began eating three meals a day until her puppies arrived. As of July 2024, we are unsure of her exact age, but Layla is a young and devoted mom who loves people. She will be spayed prior to her adoption, after her pups are no longer nursing. Layla and her pups will be available for adoption no sooner than six weeks from now (roughly in October 2024). If you're looking for a loving and nurturing companion, Layla could be the perfect addition to your family. Visit Abaco Shelter to meet her or contact us for more information. You can also start the adoption process by filling out an application. ADOPT

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Adult, Female Matthew Matlack Adult, Female Matthew Matlack


RASCAL is a spayed female, approximately 3-4 years old as of July 2024. She has lots of energy and would be perfect for long walks with her new owner. Rascal is attentive, smart, and gets along well with other dogs, though we are unsure how she is with cats. She has short hair and absolutely LOVES WATER, so please take her to the beach with you! If you're looking for an energetic and intelligent companion, Rascal could be the perfect fit. Visit Abaco Shelter to meet her or contact us for more information. You can also start the adoption process by filling out a form ADOPT

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Adult, Female Matthew Matlack Adult, Female Matthew Matlack


RAVEN is a sweet-tempered, medium-sized female with a somewhat thick and fluffy coat. She came to us pregnant and had six adorable puppies, three of which have already been adopted. As of July 2024, her puppies are four months old and have been separated from her. Raven has been spayed and currently rooms with Girlie, getting along well with other dogs. She loves people and would make a wonderful addition to any family. If you're looking for a loving and gentle companion, consider adopting Raven. Visit Abaco Shelter to meet her or contact us for more information. You can also fill out an adoption form on our website, AbacoShelter.org, to start the process of bringing Raven into your home. ADOPT

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